"Don Giovanni" Captured
Richard Will - Hardback
Mary Hunter is A. Leroy Greason Professor of Music at Bowdoin College. She is the author of The Culture of Opera Buffa in Mozart's Vienna: A Poetics of Entertainment (1999) and Mozart's Operas: A Companion (2008), as well as co-editor, with James Webster, of Opera Buffa in Mozart's Vienna (Cambridge University Press, 1997). She has written articles on eighteenth-century opera and the instrumental music of Haydn and Mozart. Richard Will is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Virginia. He is author of The Characteristic Symphony in the Age of Haydn and Beethoven (Cambridge University Press, 2002) and is a contributor to C. P. E. Bach Studies (Cambridge University Press, 2006), The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Music (2009) and other essay collections and journals.