Richard Tipping - Hardback
Holds an Early Career Fellowship in the Department of Archaeology & Ancient history, University of Leicester. Her PhD research focused on theoretical approaches to the study of change in prehistory, especially at the transition from the Late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Her current research interests are in Bronze Age combat techniques and the application of use-wear analysis in order to understand how metal was first used in Britain and Ireland and examine the impact that this material had on prehistoric worlds. Is Senior Lecturer in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University. He has wide ranging research interests in British and European later Mesolithic, Neolithic and early Bronze Age archaeology with a particular focus on mortuary remains and the application of anthropological approaches to the body and the person in prehistoric archaeology. Richard Tipping is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science at the University of Stirling. His major research interest are in reconstructing vegetation history, climate change, geomorphic activity and land uses in the Holocene with a particular focus on northern Britain.