The Economic Integration of Europe
Richard Pomfret - Hardback
Boris Najman is Associate Professor at the University of Paris XII, France and researcher at CES-ROSES, a joint research unit of University of Paris I and the French National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS. He is an expert on labour and social policies in transition economies.
Richard Pomfret has been Professor of Economics at the University of Adelaide since 1992. In 2006-7 he is the AGIP Professor of International Economics at the Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center. He is the author of The Central Asian Economies since Independence (2006). His research interests have centred on economic development and international economics.
Gaël Raballand received his PhD in economics from the University of Paris I (Sorbonne). Currently, he works as a Young Professional at the World Bank in Washington DC. Prior to this, he was a consultant for the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Paris.