Richard Ennals Author & Editor

Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen is a professor in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Agder in Norway. Professor Garmann Johnsen is a specialist in the study of working life and innovation. He has an MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and gained his PhD at the Copenhagen Business School. He has been a visiting scholar and fellow at several universities including UC Berkeley and Cornell in the USA. For 15 years Garmann Johnsen has been involved in a national research programme into collaborative innovation. He has written and presented papers and authored journal articles published worldwide. Richard Ennals is Professor of Corporate Responsibility and Working Life at the Centre for Working Life Research, Kingston Business School, Kingston University in the UK. He is a visiting professor at the Swedish Royal institute of Technology, and a director of the UK Work Organisation Network. He is Vice-Chair of the World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education. Ennals is Review Editor of the journal AI and Society and has himself authored many books, papers and journal articles.