Intervention & Strategies in Counseling and Psychotherapy
2 authors - Paperback
Paul R. Peluso, PhD, is an associate professor of mental health counseling in the department of counselor education at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. He is a licensed mental health counselor and marriage and family therapist and is the author of several books and journal articles on infidelity, counselor training, and couples therapy. Richard E. Watts, PhD, is distinguished professor of counseling and director of the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Counselor Education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. He has published several books and numerous journal articles. Mindy Parsons is a licensed mental health counselor with a successful private practice in Delray Beach, Florida. She is a doctoral candidate at Florida Atlantic University and resides in southern Palm Beach County with her husband and their two children.