Richard Bullock Author

Richard Bullock is emeritus professor of English at Wright State University, where he directed the writing programs for 28 years and designed the university's writing across the curriculum program and Introduction to College Writing Workshop. In 2012, he was awarded the Trustees' Award for Faculty Excellence, Wright State's highest honor. In addition to The Norton Field Guide to Writing, he is a coauthor of The Little Seagull Handbook. Michal Brody is a linguist, independent scholar, and lecturer. She was a founding faculty member of the Universidad de Oriente in Yucatán, Mexico. Her scholarly work centers on language pedagogy and politics in the United States and Mexico. She’s the author (with Keith Walters) of What’s Language Got to Do with It? and coauthor (with Richard Bullock and Francine Weinberg) of The Little Seagull Handbook, and the editor of the Everyone’s an Author Tumblr site and They Say / I Blog. Francine Weinberg is an author and editor who has worked for more than 30 years on college and high school English textbooks. She is the author of the handbook in The Norton Field Guide to Writing and a coauthor of The Little Seagull Handbook.