Richard Allman Author

Bryn Llewellyn is the founder of Tagtiv8, having previously worked in various UK schools for 25 years as a teacher, deputy head and acting head teacher. His pioneering approach to physically active learning (Move & Learn) not only provides an enjoyable alternative to classroom-based learning, but also promotes physical activity - crucial when challenging the increasing problem of sedentary lifestyles. Bryn acts as an advisor to the BBC and the Premier League on their education content. Ian Holmes is a former head teacher who ensured physical activity and the related benefits sat at the heart of the school's culture and ethos. He is passionate about supporting schools to embrace a whole systems approach to physical activity and well-being in order to improve physical activity habits, attitudes and behaviours. He is currently working for the University of Bradford, ensuring research and practice are brought together in the implementation of the Creating Active Schools programmes at local, regional and national levels. Richard Allman is a former specialist leader of education (SLE) and senior leadership team member. As a PE specialist he delivered CPD to school leaders, teaching staff and initial teacher training (ITT) students. Richard is passionate about empowering primary school practitioners to integrate purposeful physical activity into classroom pedagogy.