Richard A Silverman Author, Editor & Translator

Richard A. Silverman: Dover's Trusted Advisor Richard Silverman was the primary reviewer of our mathematics books for well over 25 years starting in the 1970s. And, as one of the preeminent translators of scientific Russian, his work also appears in our catalog in the form of his translations of essential works by many of the greatest names in Russian mathematics and physics of the twentieth century. These titles include (but are by no means limited to): Special Functions and Their Applications (Lebedev); Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics (Abrikosov, et al); An Introduction to the Theory of Linear Spaces, Linear Algebra, and Elementary Real and Complex Analysis (all three by Shilov); and many more. During the Silverman years, the Dover math program attained and deepened its reach and depth to a level that would not have been possible without his valuable contributions.