Rich Cameron Author

Rich Cameron is a cofounder of Pasadena-based Nonscriptum LLC. Nonscriptum consults for educational and scientific users in the areas of 3D printing and maker technologies. Rich (known online as “Whosawhatsis”) is an experienced open source developer who has been a key member of the RepRap 3D-printer development community for many years. His designs include the original spring/lever extruder mechanism used on many 3D printers, the RepRap Wallace, and the Deezmaker Bukito portable 3D printer. By building and modifying several of the early open source 3D printers to wrestle unprecedented performance out of them, he has become an expert at maximizing the print quality of filament-based printers. When he's not busy making every aspect of his own 3D printers better, from slicing software to firmware and hardware, he likes to share that knowledge and experience online so that he can help make everyone else’s printers better too.