Riccardo Viale Author & Editor

Riccardo Viale is Professor of Epistemology of Social Sciences at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

He is Editor-in-Chief of Mind & Society (Springer) and the author or editor of many books such as Modelling the Mind (with K.A. Moyeldin Said, H. Newton Smith and K.V. Wilkes, Clarendon Press, 1990); Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution (with H. Simon, M. Egidi and R. Marris, Elgar, 1992), Knowledge and Politics (Physica-Verlag, 2001), Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inferences (with D. Andler and L. Hirschfeld, Erlbaum, 2006), The Capitalization of Knowledge (with H. Etzkowitz, Elgar, 2010).

His research interests are the cognitive foundation of social action, the cognitive theory of economic rationality, cognitive approaches in philosophy of science and social epistemology, tacit knowledge and science policy.