René Geissler Editor

René Geissler is Professor of Public Management at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau, Germany. Until fall 2020 he was working for Bertelsmann Stiftung as a Senior Expert in Public Finance designing and implementing various research projects. His research focuses particularly on monitoring fiscal trends by public statistics, financial management and the regulation of local public finance. He is author of manifold publications and regularly serves as an expert in media.
Gerhard Hammerschmid is Professor of public and financial management at the Hertie School, Berlin (Germany) and the director of the "Center for Digital Governance" at the Hertie School. His research focuses on public management, public administration reform, comparative public administration, performance management, public sector innovation, public sector leadership, public service motivation, organization theory and new institutionalism. He serves as an editorial board member and reviewer for various renowned international journals.
Christian Raffer is a Research Associate at  the German Institute of Urban Affairs. His research focuses on public economics and public management, as well as fiscal policy, firm growth, and empirical methods. Christian Raffer also works as a lecturer for economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.