Renate Weller Author

Javier Lopez-Sanroman - DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS - is Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain). Gabriel Manso-Diaz - DVM, MSc, PhD, MRCVS - works at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain) and at the Equine Diagnostic Imaging Department at the Royal Veterinary College in London (UK). Renate Weller - Drvetmed, PhD, MScVetEd, FHEA, NTF, Dipl. ACVSMR, Dipl. ECVSMR, MRCVS - is Professor of Comparative Imaging and Biomechanics at the Royal Veterinary College in London (UK) and an internationally recognised expert in diagnostic imaging.