Ren Hathway Author & Illustrator

Peter Clement is a lifelong and well-travelled birder and tour leader with a particular interest in wheatears and other chats. He is the author of several books including Finches and Sparrows, and Thrushes, both in the Helm Identification Guides series. He is a former member of the British Birds Rarities Committee, and is employed by English Nature, part of this work involving the designation of sites of international importance for birds. After studying fine art and obtaining a degree in Sculpture, Ren Hathway became a freelance illustrator in 1997. He won the 'Bird Illustrator of the Year' competition in 1994 and his work has appeared in a variety of books, magazines and journals. He has travelled to China and the United States for his research, and has been a keen birder since he was young. Clive Byers works freelance as an artist and illustrator, photographer, writer, lecturer and guide. His enthusiasm has led him in pursuit of birds throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. He has led many trips to various parts of the world, including every country in South America. He has also provided artwork for field guides covering the Indian Subcontinent, South-East Asia and many other regions. He illustrated A Guide to the Warblers of the Western Palearctic and has contributed illustrations to a number of journals and books. Jan Wilczur has been a keen birder and artist for many years. He has provided artwork for a number of prestigious publications including Birds of the Indian Subcontinent, Handbook of the Birds of the World, Facing Extinction and Birds of Southeast Asia.