Rehab O Abdel Rahman Editor & Author

Dr. Rehab O. Abdel Rahman is professor of Chemical Nuclear Engineering at the Radioactive Waste Management Department, Hot Laboratories & Waste Management Center, Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt (AEAE). She received her Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering and currently is safety assessment group leader. She participated in international projects and meetings on safety cases and safety assessments especially for disposal facilitates. Her widely published research focuses on radioactive waste management and decontamination. She supervises post graduate students, teaches undergraduate courses, and supports training activities within AEAE, serves as a member in international scientific committees. She is a managing editor for two international journals, (co)-editor of several books, contributed to the publication several book chapters, reviewer in several international journals, and frequent contributor on the topic of hazardous waste management. She awarded the State Encouragement Award in Engineering sciences , Egypt 2011 Michael I. Ojovan has been Nuclear Engineer of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), visiting Professor of Imperial College London, Associate Reader in Materials Science and Waste Immobilisation of the University of Sheffield, UK, and Leading Scientist of Radiochemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. M. Ojovan is Editorial Board Member of scientific journals: “Materials Degradation” (Nature Partner Journal), “International Journal of Corrosion”, “Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations”, “Journal of Nuclear Materials”, and Associate Editor of journal “Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science”. He has published 12 monographs including the “Handbook of Advanced Radioactive Waste Conditioning Technologies” by Woodhead and three editions of “An Introduction to Nuclear Waste Immobilisation” by Elsevier – 2005, 2013 and 2019. He has founded and led the IAEA International Predisposal Network (IPN) and the IAEA International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing (GRAPA). M. Ojovan is known for the connectivity-percolation theory of glass transition, Sheffield model (two-exponential equation) of viscosity of glasses and melts, condensed Rydberg matter, metallic and glass-composite materials for nuclear waste immobilisation, and self-sinking capsules to investigate Earth’ deep interior.