Rebecca H Price Editor

Mary Margaret Kerr is Professor of Health and Human Development at the University of Pittsburgh, where she founded the Children and Dark Tourism research project. Dr. Kerr’s internationally recognized team, which includes youth as researchers, studies the experiences of young tourists at dark tourism sites. In addition to contributing her expertise on youth coping with mass trauma, Dr. Kerr has pioneered research in child-centered research methods for the tourism field, which historically has overlooked children and youth.

Philip R. Stone is Executive Director of the Institute for Dark Tourism Research at the University of Central Lancashire (UK). He is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of 'dark tourism’ and ‘difficult heritage' and has published extensively about the subject. Philip is also a media consultant on dark tourism, with clients including the BBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Washington Post. His latest book, the first-ever tourist guidebook dedicated to dark tourism – 111 Dark Tourism Places in England You Shouldn’t Miss (2021) – brings dark tourism scholarship to the public market.

Rebecca H. Price writes about the novice researcher experience. She frequently collaborates across disciplines and settings to explore how individuals seek answers to their questions. Her work can be found in library, education, and tourism outlets.