Raquel Gutierrez Aguilar Author

Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar (Mexico City, 1962) is an organizer who has participated in numerous struggles and uprisings in Latin America over the last four decades. From the civil wars in Central America in the 1980s to Indigenous uprisings in Bolivia, she has contributed to struggles both as an active participant and as a theorist of movement strategies, horizons and possibilities.After spending five years in prison in Bolivia, and energized by the Water War in Cochabamba, Gutiérrez Aguilar returned to Mexico in 2001. Since then, she has experimented working with and alongside women in multiple ways: in autonomous organizations, social centers, publishing projects, the academy and, most recently, via journalism with the digital weekly Ojala.mx.Gutiérrez Aguilar is the author of the following volumes, all of which draw on her life experiences: ¡A desordenar! Por una historia abierta de la lucha social (1995), Desandar el laberinto (1999), and Cartas a mis hermanas más jóvenes 1 y 2 (2020 and 2021), the first of which came out in English as Letter to my younger sisters (2023). She has also written about various struggles and political moments in The Rhythms of the Pachakuti (2014) and Horizontes comunitarios-populares en América Latina (2015). Together with other comrades, she has compiled experiences and debates taking place among Indigenous and communitarian struggles in Latin America in a three volume series titled Movimiento indígena en América Latina: resitencia y transformación social (2005, 2007 and 2011) as well in Comunalidad, tramas comunitarias y producción de lo común: Debates contemporáneos desde América Latina (2018).