Energy Law: An Introduction
Raphael J Heffron - Paperback
Raphael J Heffron is Professor for Global Energy Law & Sustainability at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee. As of July 2019 he is also a Jean Monnet Professor in the Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy awarded by the European Commission. In 2020, he was also appointed as Senior Counsel at Janson law firm in Brussels (Belgium). Professor Heffron is a qualified Barrister-at-Law, and a graduate of both Oxford (MSc) and Cambridge (MPhil & PhD). His work all has a principal focus on achieving a just transition to a low-carbon economy, and combines a mix of energy law, policy and economics. He has published over 150 publications of different types and is the most cited scholar in his field worldwide (1400+Scopus). Professor Heffron has given just over 145 keynote or guest lectures in 49 countries worldwide.