Ranjna Sirohi Editor

Dr Giorgio Mannina is Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Engineering Department of Palermo University – Italy. His research interest and focus is on: resource recovery from wastewater, advanced wastewater treatments (MBR, MBBR, hybrid processes, IFAS, Granular systems etc..), BNR processes, mathematical modelling, water quality issues related to integrated urban drainage systems. He is authors of more than 350 papers of which >100 on ISI Journals. He has been invited to give several plenary/keynotes and invited talks, seminars and lecturers in the international conferences as well as the universities/research institutions. He is Editor of several books edited by Elsevier, IWA, Springer on advanced wastewater treatment, Membrane bioreactors- MBRs, mathematical modelling and frontiers in urban drainage. He is Editor/Associate Editors/Host Editors of multiple ISI Journals: Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Environmental Management, Water Science and Technology, Water Supply, Environmental Engineering etc. He is Chair of the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane Bioreactor modelling and control and Member of the International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Group "Membrane Technology". Prof. Mannina is Fulbright research Fellow at Columbia University. He is/has been Chair of International Conferences, International seminars and Advanced course supported by IWA Professor Ashok Pandey is currently Distinguished Scientist at the Centre for Innovation and Translational Research, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India and Executive Director (Honorary) at the Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability – India. Formerly, he was Eminent Scientist at the Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali and Chief Scientist & Head of Biotechnology Division and Centre for Biofuels at CSIR’s National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Trivandrum. His major research and technological development interests are industrial & environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels & chemicals, waste to wealth & energy, industrial enzymes, etc. Professor Pandey is Adjunct/Visiting Professor/Scientist in universities in France, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, South Africa, and Switzerland and also in several universities several in India. He has ~1425 publications/communications, which include 16 patents, 90 books, >700 papers and book chapters, etc with h index of 105 and ~48,800 citations (Goggle scholar). He has transferred several technologies to industries and has done industrial consultancy for about a dozen projects for Indian/international industries. Professor Pandey is the recipient of many national and international awards and honours, which include Highest Cited Researcher (Top 1% in the world), Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science (2020, 2019 & 2018); Top scientist in Biotechnology (#1 in India and #8 in the world), Stanford University world ranking (2020); Fellow, World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies(2020); Fellow, Indian Chemical Society (2020); Distinguished Scientist, VDGOOD Professional Association, India (2020); Distinguished Professor of Eminence with global impact in the area of Biotechnology, Precious Cornerstone University, Nigeria (2020); IconSWM Life-time Achievement Award 2019, International Society for Solid Waste Management, KIIT, Bhubaneshwar, India (2019); Yonsei Outstanding Scholar, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2019); Life-Time Achievement Award from the Biotech Research Society, India (2018); Life-Time Achievement Award from Venus International Research Awards (2018), Most Outstanding Researcher Award from Career360 (2018), Life-Time Achievement Award from the International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2017); Fellow, Royal Society of Biology, UK (2016); Felow, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2016); Academician of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria (2015); Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India (2012); Fellow, Association of Microbiologists of India (2008); Honorary Doctorate degree from Univesite Blaise Pascal, France (2007); Fellow, International Organization of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2007); Thomson Scientific India Citation Laureate Award, USA (2006); Fellow, the Biotech Research Society, India (2005); UNESCO Professor (2000); Raman Research Fellowship Award, CSIR (1995); GBF, Germany and CNRS, France Fellowships (1992) and Young Scientist Award (1989), etc. Professor Pandey is Founder President of the Biotech Research Society, India (www.brsi.in); Founder & International Coordinator of International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, France (www.ifibiop.org), Chairman of the International Society for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (www.isees.in), Editor-in-chief of Bioresource Technology (http://ees.elsevier.com/bite/), Honorary Executive Advisor of Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (www.jees.in), Journal of Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing (https://www.springer.com/journal/43393), Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (http://neerijese.org/editorial-board/), Subject Editor, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India (https://www.springer.com/life+sciences/journal/40011) and Associate Editor, Biologia – Section Cellular and Molecular Biology (https://www.springer.com/journal/11756/editors) and editorial board member of several international and Indian journals. Dr. Ranjna Sirohi is currently working as Research Professor in Korea University, Seoul. She obtained B.Tech. degree in Biochemical Engineering and M.Tech. degree in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Food Biotechnology Engineering. She has worked as Visiting Researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, as Scientist at Centre for Energy and Environment Sustainability, Lucknow and as Senior Project Associate at CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Process and Food Engineering from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. Her major research interests are in the field of Bioprocess Technology - Food & Food Waste Valorisation-Waste to Wealth – Biofuels. She has 65 publications/communications that include 32 research and review papers, 12 book chapters, 7 popular articles and 14 conference proceedings. Dr Sirohi has won several awards and honors that include Research Excellent Award in the international conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivandrum, India (2019), Best Poster award in 8th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocessing (IBA-IFIBiop 2019), Miri; Sarawak, Malaysia (2019) and Research Excellence Award in International Conference on Bio-Innovation for Environmental and Health Sustainable Developments (BEHSD-2018), Lucknow, India (2018). She is the Life member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE); the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI); Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and Association of Food Scientists & Technologists, India (AFSTI).