Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
2 contributors - Paperback
Ramesh Sivanpillai is a Remote Sensing Scientist at the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming. Research Interests Remote Sensing: Digital processing of satellite and aerial images, data fusion, image enhancement and classification. Mapping and monitoring land cover, forest, agriculture, rangeland, water bodies and natural resources. Change detection using satellite data. Time series analyses using AVHRR and MODIS data. Geographic Information Systems: Integration of GIS and remotely sensed data, analyzing spatial variability in natural resources. Landscape Ecology: Analyzing spatial patterns of land cover features and quantify their changes through time using landscape ecological models. Statistical Applications: Multivariate analyses, time-series analyses, design and analyses of experiments and geostatistics. Ramesh Sivanpillai, Senior Research Scientist, Dept of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA Ramesh Sivanpillai is a Remote Sensing Scientist at the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming. His research interests include digital processing of satellite and aerial images, data fusion, image enhancement and classification.