Rafael Torres Sánchez Author

Rafael Torres Sánchez (1962) is Professor of History at the Universidad de Navarra, Spain. His main study area is eighteenth-century Spanish warfare and its interconnection with the development of the state and its economy.

He is the author of El precio de la guerra: El estado fiscal-militar de Carlos III, 1779-1783, Marcial Pons, Madrid (2013); La llave de todos los tesoros: La Tesorería General de Carlos III, Silex, Madrid (2012); and also collaborated with Stephen Conway on an edition of The Spending of the States: Military Expenditure during the Long Eighteenth Century: Patterns, Organisation and Consequences, 1650-1815, VDM (2011). His work also includes War, State and Development: Fiscal-Military States in the Eighteenth Century, Eunsa, Pamplona (2007). His website can be found at http://www.unav.edu/centro/contractorstate/.