Radosław Zenderowski Editor

Katarzyna Cichos works as Researcher and Lecturer at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (CSWU) in Warsaw. Her research interests focus on public international law, with a specific emphasis on the legal and institutional aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals and good governance. She is also an active member of local community initiatives connected to good governance and sustainable development. She holds a PhD in Law.

Jarosław A. Sobkowiak is Associate Dean of the Department of Theology and a lecturer in the Institute of Media, Education and Journalism at the CSWU. He is also a board member of the Moral Theologians Association and the Head of the Social and Digital Communication Centre of CSWU. He is the Chief Editor of the scientific half-yearly magazine Studia Theologica Varsaviensia.

Radosław Zenderowski is Professor at CSWU (since 1999), Head of Chair of International Relations and European Studies, and Director of Institute of Political Science and Public Administration. He is a member of the Scientific Board for PhD Studies in Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), a member of the Scientific Board of Polish Association of European Studies, and a member of the Committee on Political Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. He is the author of several books and articles on national identities in Central Eastern Europe (CEE), relations between nationalism and religion, ethnic conflicts, especially in the Balkan region, ethic policies of CEE states, and public diplomacy in the cross-border regions.

Ryszard F. Sadowski is Head of Department of Ecophilosophy at CSWU. He is also an editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, published by the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Press. His main research interests focus on environmental philosophy, environmental anthropology, ecophilosophical reflection on environmental crisis, and the role of religions in causing and overcoming the crisis.

Beata Zbarachewicz is Lecturer at the Department of Informatics Law and the Faculty of Law and Administration at CSWU. She is also a member of the University Council.

Stanisław Dziekoński, is Professor, has been Rector of UKSW since 2012, as well as the Head of the Department of the Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Catechetics. His other work includes acting as a consultant for the Catholic Education Commission and the Scientific Council of the Polish Bishops’ Conference and being an active member of scientific councils for various theological and pedagogical magazines.