Rachel Morgan Author

Rachel Morgan and Emily Cuddeford fell in love with cooking and baking early in life and both ended up leaving their burgeoning arts careers to work with food.

Rachel started her career in food as a side step from work in costume design – whilst working in theatre, she always had side jobs in cafes and cooking to supplement her income. She soon realised that she was enjoying the food work more than the theatre work and took the decision to formally train at Edinburgh New Town Cookery School.

With no formal cooking experience, Emily got through to the TV rounds of Masterchef when she was 18, but quickly learned that service kitchens were not for her. However, she loved baking and working on food behind the scenes. Whilst at University in Brighton, Emily’s dream bakery opened in Edinburgh, and this is where she met Rachel. When they advertised for a role, she immediately applied and moved back to Edinburgh; together, they created Twelve Triangles, a group of bakeries in Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders.