Adaptive Signal Processing for Beamforming Radar
3 authors - Paperback
Prof. (Dr.) Rabindranath Bera is Head and Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at SMIT and has been driving the ECE department for 13 years. He monitors and controls academic performances of the faculty members and students of ECE Department. He also performs R&D activities including sponsored and in-house projects. He completed B.Tech, M.Tech and PhD from Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. His areas of interest are remote sensing (active and passive), communication, 4G mobile communication, integrated sensing and communication, adaptive signal processing and cognitive radio and radar systems, radio astronomy, process control instrumentation. Dr. Bera has won the URSI ‘International Young Scientists Award’ for the year 2005. Prof. Bera recently attended IEEE 5G SUMMIT in Kolkata during 3 – 4 March, 2017 where he has highlighted his work towards the award of ‘BOSE Fellowship’ in the year 1993 at Japan. The Participation has lots of appreciation for this work. Nine PhD students have already completed their PhDs under the guidance of Dr. Bera and he is currently supervising 11 PhD students. He has 3 books, 85 journal papers and 80 conference papers published to his credit.
Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar has completed his B.Tech, M.Tech and PhD (Tech) from Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta and Post-Doctoral from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA. He has worked around 10 years in industry like Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) as Executive Engineer, 25 years in Universities (8 years in BESU and 17 years in JU) in different capacities. He was the Head of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University during 2011 – 2013, coordinator of the Evening course of M.Tech in “VLSI Design and Microelectronics Technology” 2009 – 2013 and 2016 – till date and Co-ordinator of IC Design & Fabrication Centre, Jadavpur University from 2016 to till date. He has authored 5 Engineering text books published by CRC Press USA, Artech House USA, PAN STANFOPRD USA, S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd., Inda. He has already guided 43 PhD scholars (8 more registered and currently working), 15 R&D projects sponsored by different Govt. of India funding agencies have been completed/ongoing, published more than 600 technical research papers in archived International/National journals and peer reviewed conferences. His research areas include nanodevices and low power VLSI circuits, computer networks, digital watermarking and RFID. He has visited several countries like USA, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, Thailand and Bangladesh as Keynote Speaker, Special Guest of Honour, Invited Speaker, for training, presenting papers and visiting sophisticated laboratories as a part of his collaborative research activities. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer, Life fellow of IEI (India) and IETE, Life member of ISTE and Life member of Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS). He has successfully organized two IEEE sponsored International Conferences as Convener (2004) and as General Chair (2012). He has filed one Indian Patent vide file No: 669/KOL/2013 dated 5th June, 2013.
Dr. Swastika Chakraborty is Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technogy Majitar, Rongpo, Sikkim. Previously, she was working as an Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JIS College of Eengineering, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. She is an accomplished researcher and teaching professional with progressive experience of more than 20 years. She has a substantial number of publications in renowned international/national journals, international and national conference. She has been awarded Govt. Sponsored research project in her capacity as a principal investigator. She is a member of IEEE Kolkata section and former treasurer and present executive committee member of IEEE, GRSS. Kolkata Chapter. She has been awarded by JIS College of Engineering for good governance for her role in teaching administration with a sponsorship of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP).