Das Jüdische Eherecht
Rabbi Walter Homolka - Hardback
Rabbi Walter Homolka is the rector of the Abraham Geiger College, Germany’s first rabbinical seminary after the Holocaust, and a professor of Modern Jewish Thought at the School of Jewish Theology of the University of Potsdam in Germany. Active in Jewish-Christian dialogue, he is author of many books, including The Gate to Perfection: The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought (Berghahn 1995), Jewish Identity in Modern Times: Leo Baeck and German Protestantism (Berghahn 1995), co-author with Rabbi Aaron D. Panken of Engaging Torah: Modern Perspectives on The Hebrew Bible (Hebrew Union College Press), and co-author with Hans Küng of How to Do Good & Avoid Evil: A Global Ethic from the Sources of Judaism (Skylight Paths, 2009).