R Winston Revie Author & Editor

R. Winston Revie, PhD, has been Research Scientist at the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada, for three decades. He is a past chair of the ASM Canada Council and of The Electrochemical Society (Canadian Section), and a past president of the Metallurgical Society of CIM. He is on the Board of Directors of NACE International. Dr. Revie was editor of the Second Edition of Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook (Wiley).

THE LATE HERBERT H. UHLIG, PhD, was Professor of Metallurgy and served as director of MIT's Corrosion Laboratory for twenty-nine years. He published over 200 scientificpapers and edited The Corrosion Handbook. Among many distinguished honors, he served as president of The Electrochemical Society and was a Guggenheim Fellow.