R Keith Loftin Editor

R. Keith Loftin is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, as well as Chair of the Department of Philosophy, at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to the PhD, he holds an M.A. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Humanities. He is the editor of God & Morality: Four Views, co-author of Stand Firm: Defending the Beauty and Brilliance of the Gospel, and the author of numerous articles and reviews addressing topics both philosophical and theological. Trey Dimsdale is Director of Program Outreach at the Acton Institute, as well as a Fellow at the Research Institute of the Ethics, as well as a Fellow at the Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He sits on the Board of Directors for the National Faith and Work Association, for whom he is also an Academic Representative on the Board of Advisors.