Quan Zhou Author & Editor

Dr. Haoran Zhang is a researcher with an interdisciplinary background, holding dual Bachelor's degrees in Engineering and Economics, complemented by two Ph.D. degrees in Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering and Environmental science. His research is at the forefront of sustainable development, focusing on clean energy supply chains, green transportation, and smart urban energy systems. His innovative research has garnered prestigious accolades, including the Energy Globe Award, the R&D 100 Award, the John Tiratsoo Award for Young Achievement, and the Smart 50 Award among others.

Quan Zhou is Professor of Automotive Engineering in the School of Automotive Studies at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. He received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, in 2019. Before joining Tongji University with the NSFC International Fellowship, Prof. Zhou was Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham. His research interests include evolutionary computation, fuzzy logic, reinforcement learning, and their application in automotive systems. He is associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification and IET Journal of Intelligent Transportation.