Handbook of RAMS in Railway Systems
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Engr. Qamar Mahboob has more than 15 years of project experience and several scientific publications in the field of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety.
Qualification: degrees (PhD in Railway Risk, Safety and Decision Support from TU Dresden, Germany), (MSc. Transportation Systems form TU Munich, Germany), (MS Total Quality Management from Punjab University Lahore), (BSc. Mechanical Engg. from UET Lahore), (B-Tech from GCT Lahore) Experience: (Pakistan Railways, Maintenance Engineer for rolling stock), (Engineering Risk Analysis Group of TU Munich, Scientific researcher), (Chair of Railway Signalling and Transport Safety Technology of TU Dresden, Scientific researcher), (CERSS.com, RAMS Consultant), (Siemens AG, Germany, Key Senior Expert for RAMS) (HI-TEK Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. Lahore, Technical Lead), (KKPower International Pvt. Ltd. Lahore, Services Manager), (SEATS Lahore, Director and CTO).
E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Enrico Zio (M'06–SM' 09) received the MSc degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1991 and in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano and MIT in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He is currently Director of the Chair on Systems Science and the Energetic Challenge of the Foundation Electricite' de France (EDF) at CentraleSupélec, Paris, France, full professor and President of the Alumni Association at Politecnico di Milano, adjunct professor at University of Stavanger, Norway, City University of Hong Kong, Beihang University and Wuhan University, China and Co-Director of the Center for REliability and Safety of Critical Infrastructures (CRESCI), China, visiting professor at MIT university, Massachusetts, USA, Distinguished Guest Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His research focuses on the modeling of the failure-repair-maintenance behavior of components and complex systems, for the analysis of their reliability, maintainability, prognostics, safety, vulnerability, resilience and security characteristics, and on the development and use of Monte Carlo simulation methods, soft computing techniques and optimization heuristics. He is author or co-author of seven international books and more than 300 papers on international journals.