Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
3 contributors - Paperback
Bogumił Kamiński (GitHub username: bkamins) is an associate professor and head of the Decision Support and Analysis Unit at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, as well as adjunct professor at the data science laboratory, Ryerson University, Toronto. He is co-editor of the Central European Journal of Economic Modeling and Econometrics, and of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making journal. His scientific interests center on operational research and computational social science. He has authored over 50 research articles on simulation, optimization, and prediction methods. He also has 15+ years' experience in the deployment of large-scale advanced analytics solutions for industry and public administration. Przemysław Szufel (GitHub username: pszufe) is an assistant professor in the Decision Support and Analysis Unit at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. His current research focuses on distributed systems and methods for the execution of large-scale simulations for numerical experiments and optimization. He is working on asynchronous algorithms for the parallel execution of large-scale computations in the cloud and distributed computational environments. He has authored, and co-authored, several open source tools for high-performance and numerical simulation.