Professor Marika Taylor Author

The Polish Nicolaus Copernicus (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat, and economist, whose posited that the earth oribited the Sun, and not the way round as had been believed up until then. He started the Scientific Revolution which eventually disconnected the Church from its role as the sole arbiter of all truths.

Dr James Lees (introduction) is a Physicist, Author, and Science Communicator who studied at The University of York and Stanford. He works as a researcher and can be found giving talks and workshops across the UK at various educational festivals on a wide variety of scientific topics. He also has several other books including Physics in 50 Milestone Moments and Who Knew? Physics.

Professor Marika Taylor (Series Foreword) is a Professor of Theoretical Physics and Head of School within Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton. Her research interests include all aspects of string theory, gravitational physics and quantum field theory. In recent years much of her work has been focused on holographic dualities and their implications. Marika's research has featured in such publications as Physical Review, Journal of High Energy Physics and General Relativity and Gravitation among others.