Technologies for Sustainable Development
3 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Alka Mahajan is Director of the Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. She has over 32 years of teaching and administrative experience and has guided a number of undergraduate and postgraduate projects, and a number of publications in national and international journals and conferences to her credit. Her areas of interest, including Digital Signal Processing, Embedded System Design, Soft Computing, Microcontrollers and Applications, and Power Electronics. She received her PhD from the Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University. Dr. Mahajan was a Member of the Standing Committee on the scheme of ‘Development of Women’s Studies in Indian Universities and Capacity Building of Women Managers,’ constituted by the MHRD, New Delhi. She is member of the General Council; the Principal Authority of the National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi and also an Expert Evaluator with NBA.
Dr. Parul Patel is Professor in the Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. She has more than 29 years of academic and research experience. She has completed her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in the field of Geodesy and Remote Sensing. She has six ISRO funded research projects to her credit. She has presented and published more than 50 papers/posters at national and international conferences and in journals. Her area of interest is Applications of RS, GIS and GPS in Civil Engineering and Construction Technology and Management.
Dr Priyanka Sharma is working as a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. She is a Certified NVIDIA DLI Ambassador and specializes in Computer Vision and the Deep Learning domain. An academician by passion and a researcher in the domain of AI and Deep Learning. Dr Sharma has a professional experience of over 20 years. Dr Sharma has been actively associated with research projects funded by Shastri Indo-Canadian Research Grant, Institute for Plasma Research and GUJCOST-DST. Dr Sharma has published over 35 research papers in reputed International Journal and Conferences.