National Movement and Politics in Orissa, 1920-1929
Pritish Acharya - Hardback
Pritish Acharya is a Reader in history at National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and is presently posted at Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar, a constituent of NCERT. As a writer in Oriya, he has published three short story collections Pausa Pahile Jai (1986), Atmalipi (1989) and Patri Anwesana (2001). He has also written two collection of essays Apaninda Upakshana (2004) and Itihasara Samiksha (2007), translated works: Sampradayikta: Ekta Parichaya (2004) of Bipan Chandra, Srilal Shuklanka Ketoti Kahani (2006) of Srilal Shukla, and edited Smrutire Shikshaka (2006). He was awarded the “Basanta Milan Puraskar” for short story writing in 1986. A regular columnist in Oriya, some of his short stories are translated and published in prestigious Hindi journals like Samakalin Bharatiya Sahitya, Vagarth, Jansatta and Hindustan. Presently, he is working on the writings of Gopabandhu Das—a pioneer of nationalist struggle, basic education, nationalist press and social reforms in Orissa.