Prashant Garg Editor

Dr. Harvinder Singh is currently Professor at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana (Punjab). He is engaged in teaching, research, and consultancy in structural engineering. He has authored numerous technical publications, one laboratory manual, and one monograph on 'Reinforced Concrete Steel Fiber Concrete' and has edited four books. He is UGC Research Awardee, State Technical Auditor, Chartered Engineer and Structural Consultant involved in the planning and design of various infrastructure projects along with member of several professional bodies. He is an editorial board member and reviewer for several international journals published by ACI, ICE, fib and ASCE. His current research interests are mathematical modelling and limit analysis of engineering structures, largely directed towards solving practical problems and improving the related design practices.
Dr. Puneet Pal S. Cheema is currently an Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana (Punjab). He is engaged in teaching, research, and consultancy in environmental  engineering at the civil engineering department of the college. His major areas of research interests include decentralized wastewater management, natural wastewater treatment, stormwater management and groundwater recharge. He has several papers in respected international journals and also as book chapters. Dr. Cheema has guided 20 M. Tech theses during the last 9 years and is also involved with government and the private sector in executing various consultancy assignments.

Dr. Prashant Garg is currently working as Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab. He has obtained his bachelors from the University of Roorkee and double masters in  Highways Engg. and Transportation Planning from School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), New Delhi. He is the State Technical Auditor. His major area of research includes soil structure interaction, pavement analysis and design. He has guided about 70 M. Tech students. He has published around 50 papers in National and International Journal and Conferences. Apart from Academic activities, he is actively providing services as consultant in the field of highways and Geotechnical field.