Piyush Mishra Author

Hector Veiga Ortiz is a software engineer specializing in real-time data integration. Recently, he has focused his work on different cloud technologies (such as AWS) to develop and run scalable, resilient, and high performing applications that are able to handle high volume, real-time data in diverse protocols and formats. To accomplish this task, he has been focusing his work on messaging systems such as Akka. He has also been working on microservice architectures with frameworks such as Lightbend's Lagom. Additionally, he has a strong foundation in messaging broker knowledge, such as RabbitMQ and AMQP. Also, Hector has a master's degree in telecommunication engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and a master's degree in information technology and management from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He currently works at HERE Technologies as part of the global traffic data integrations team and is actively developing scalable applications to consume data from several different sources. He heavily utilizes Akka to address the scalability and processing requirements. In the past, Hector worked at Xaptum Technologies, a company dedicated to M2M technologies. Moreover, he has also contributed to the Akka project on a couple of occasions and is an active StackOverflow user on the akka tag. Hector has also worked as a technical reviewer on the books RabbitMQ Cookbook and RabbitMQ Essentials by Packt Publishing. Piyush Mishra is a professional with more than 4 years of experience of developing and designing fault-tolerant, scalable, distributed, highly performant systems using Scala, Akka, and Spark, and maintaining them across multiple servers. He is currently working as a software development engineer for R&D Labs at Pramati Labs. He writes a blog on Scala, which you can find at https://piyushmishra889.wordpress.com/. You can find him on LinkedIn at https://in.linkedin.com/in/piyush1989. He also has presentations on Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net/knoldus/reactive-programming-with-scala-and-akka), where he talks about reactive programming and applications and why we need it. He also talks about Scala, Akka, reactive applications, and their four principles.