Piotr Franaszek Author

Piotr Franaszek is Professor in the Department of Economic and Social History, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His main research areas are social and economic history of the 19th and 20th centuries. His academic interests also include the problem of surveillance of Polish universities by political secret services in the communist era.

Paweł Grata is Professor in the University of Rzeszów and Head of the Section of Economic and Social History in the Institute of History. His scientific interests include economic history, social history, social policy, economic policy and regional history.

Anna Kozicka-Kołaczkowska is the author of a series of articles on history of the energy sector (Ignacy Lukasiewicz Energy Policy Institute), columnist, novelist and speech coach for media (University of Wrocław and University of Gdańsk). She studied Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Mariusz Ruszel is Assistant Professor in the Department of Economy of the Faculty of Management, Rzeszów University of Technology. He is also Chairman of Ignacy Łukasiewicz Energy Policy Institute. His scientific interests revolve around geopolitics, geoeconomics, energy policy, energy security and natural gas market.

Grzegorz Zamoyski is Professor in the Department of Economy, Rzeszów University of Technology. He is also the author of over 80 books and articles on Jewish history and socio-economic history of Galicia. His main scientific interest are history of Galicia, economic history and social history.