Demofoonte, a Serious Opera; As Performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. the Poetry by Metastasio, the Most Part of the Music by Signor Ferdinando Bertoni. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Semiramide Riconosciuta, or Semiramis Discovered. An Opera, as Performed at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The Music Entirely new by Signor Gioacchino Cocchi, ... The Poetry of Metastasio, Altered and Encreased by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Galatea serenata del celebre Metastasio. Messa in musica dal Sig. Giovanni Cristiano Bach, ... Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £18.95 Find out more
Semiramide Riconosciuta, or Semiramis Discovered. an Opera, as Performed at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. the Music Entirely New by Signor Gioacchino Cocchi, ... the Poetry of Metastasio, Altered and Encreased by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Demofoonte, a Serious Opera; as Performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The Poetry by Metastasio, the Most Part of the Music by Signor Ferdinando Bertoni Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Artaserse. Drama Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi Nel Regio Teatro Dell Hay-Market. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Adriano in Siria. Drama. Per Musica. Da Rappresentarsi Sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. N.B. La Musica è Nuova ed Intiera Produzione del Sig. Giovanni Christiano Bach, ... = Adrian. An Opera. Set to Music. Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £18.95 Find out more
Artaserse. Drama. Da Rappresentarsi Sopra Il Teatro Di S.M.B. N.B. Musica del Signor Hasse, Detto Il Sassone. = Artaxerxes. an Opera. ... Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
L'eroe Cinese; a new Serious Opera, as Performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The Poetry by Metastasio. And the Music Entirely new, by Signor Venanzio Rauzzini Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Demetrio, Re di Siria. Dramma per Musica, da Rappresentarsi nel Teatro di S. M. B Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Demetrio, Re Di Siria. Dramma Per Musica, Da Rappresentarsi Nel Teatro Di S. M. B. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Poro, Re Dell'indie. Drama. Da Rappresentarsi Nel Regio Teatro Di Hay-Market. Done Into English by Mr. Humphreys. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
L'Olimpiade, a Serious Opera, as Performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The Music by Several Eminent Composers, Executed Under the Direction of Signor Ferdinando Bertoni Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £18.95 Find out more
Siroe, Re di Persia. Drama per Musica. Da Rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro D'Hay-Market Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Artaserse. Drama. Da Rappresentarsi Sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. N.B. Musica del Signor Hasse, Detto il Sassone. = Artaxerxes. An Opera. Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £18.95 Find out more
L'Eroe Cinese; A New Serious Opera, as Performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. the Poetry by Metastasio. and the Music Entirely New, by Signor Venanzio Rauzzini. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
L'Olimpiade, a Serious Opera, as Performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. the Music by Several Eminent Composers, Executed Under the Direction of Signor Ferdinando Bertoni. Pietro Metastasio - Paperback £13.99 Find out more
Poro, re dell'Indie. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market. Done into English by Mr. Humphreys. Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more
Artaserse. Drama per Musica da Rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro Dell Hay-Market Pietro Metastasio - Hardback £19.95 Find out more