Pieter Bergé Author

Mark Delaere is Professor and Head of Musicology at KU Leuven. His research covers mainly music from the 20th and 21st centuries, with a special focus on the interaction of analysis, history, theory and aesthetics of music. Pieter Bergé is hoogleraar Musicologie aan de KU Leuven en artistiek directeur van Festival 20.21 Leuven. Zijn boeken, zowel wetenschappelijke als populariserende, werden herhaaldelijk bekroond. Pieter Bergé is Professor of Music Analysis, History and Theory (1750-1900) at the KU Leuven. His main research topics are Arnold Schoenberg, German opera during the Weimar Republic, Formenlehre, instrumental music from 1770-1830, and 'analysis-and-performance'-issues.