Piers Rawling Editor & Author

Piers Rawling is Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Florida State University. He has wideranging

interests and has published papers on decision theory, ethics (with David McNaughton),

metaphysics, philosophy of action, language, mind and science and applications of quantum

theory (with Stephen Selesnick). He is co-editor (with Alfred Mele) of The Oxford Handbook of

Rationality (2004).

Philip Wilson is Honorary Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of East Anglia, where

he teaches literature and philosophy. Publications include: The Luther Breviary (translated with

John Gledhill, 2007); Literary Translation: Re-drawing the Boundaries (edited with Jean Boase-

Beier and Antoinette Fawcett, 2014); The Bright Rose: German Verse 800–1280 (translated and

edited, 2015); Translation after Wittgenstein (Routledge 2015); and The Histories of Alexander

Neville (with Ingrid Walton and Clive Wilkins-Jones, forthcoming). His research interests include

the philosophy of history and translation.