Pierre Thielborger Editor & Author

Hans-Joachim Heintze is professor of International Law at the Ruhr University of Bochum. He studied law and published a doctoral thesis on the law of state succession. He joined the Ruhr University in 1990 and teaches at the Institute for International Law of peace and Armed Conflict and is the Bochum's Director of the European Master programme Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA). He belongs to the Boards of the European Master Programme Human Rights and Democratization (Venice) and the European Regional Master Programme Human Rights and Democratization in South East Europe (Sarajevo). His research interests are human rights, international humanitarian law and disaster response law.     

Pierre Thielbörger is professor of German Public Law and International Law at the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB). He studied law in Hamburg, Berlin (Humboldt) and Montréal (McGill) and Public Policy in Cambridge, MA (Harvard) and wrote his PhD in international law at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. His last monograph concerns the emerging human right to water in international law. He joined the RUB in 2011 and teaches at the law faculty as well as at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) whose Executive Director he is since 2014. He also serves as President of the General Assembly of the the European-wide Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA).  His research interests are human rights, international humanitarian law, international environmental law, international criminal law as well as German constitutional law.