Pierre Léna Author & Editor

Pierre Léna, born 1937, is a French astrophysicist, Emeritus Professor at the Université de Paris and Paris Observatory. His scientific work focused on infrared astronomy and star formation. His interest for image quality in astronomy led him to develop adaptive optics and optical interferometry applied to the European Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, both techniques making today the VLT a unique instrument for the study of exoplanets and black holes. In charge for many years of the École doctorale ‘Astronomie & Astrophysique d’Île-de-France’, he contributed to the training of many students in these new areas. In 1996 he co-founded the program ‘La main à la pâte’ to renovate science education in primary and middle schools, working at national, European and international levels. In 2011 he chaired the InterAcademy Partnership for Science education program. Then for 2012-2016, he chaired the new Foundation ‘La main à la pâte’, created by the French Académie des sciences. In 2018, he created the Office for Climate Education in connection with IAP and IPCC, with a broad international network. Pierre Léna belongs to the French Académie des sciences, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and several other Academies. He is the author of many publications, movies and books, both professional and aimed at the general public.