2 authors - Hardback
Gigi Soldano is a sociologist who switched to professional photography in the late 1980s. Today he mainly works on sports photography. His passion for toys, and specifically for Italian-built pedal cars, soon led him to investigate and research them in depth: he focused on their technical and historical background and studied them from a photographic point of view. Together with his friend Alberto Lavit, he published the first and now unobtainable book “Auto per Gioco.” His motto as a photographer is: “A shot is not only about technique, it’s also about conveying a feeling”. Piero Pini, a former technical automotive gas system components designer, is now a “collector of collections” with his wife. Above all, he is interested in children’s pedal-powered toys, which he collects and studies from a functional and constructive point of view, thanks to his impressive and unique documentation. He prefers Italian firms, especially Giordani, and is an important reference point for enthusiasts and collectors.