Pia Ednie-Brown Editor

Pia Ednie-Brown is an Associate Professor at RMIT University in Melbourne on the Architecture programme and the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL), where she has directed numerous creative research projects involving multiple disciplines across the arts and sciences.

Mark Burry has been consultant architect to the Temple Sagrada Família in Barcelona since 1979. He is Professor of Innovation at RMIT and Director of its state-of-the-art Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL). He is the founding Director of the university's new research initiative, the Design Institute. In 2006, Burry was awarded an Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship and he was recently the recipient of the USA Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) Award for Innovative Research.

Andrew Burrow is an ARC Postdoctoral Fellow at SIAL working on the ARC Discovery Grant Acts of Electronic Communication, and acting as executive director for the day-to-day running of SIAL. His research interests concern computational accounts in design.