Phuoc-Dan Nguyen Editor

Dr. Xuan-Thanh BUI obtained the degree of engineer in chemical engineering from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh (VNU-HCM), Viet Nam and received his M.Eng and Ph.D. degrees in environmental engineering at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. Currently, he is an associate professor at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, HCMUT, VNU-HCM. He serves as chairman of Dept. of Water Science & Technology and head of VNU-HCM Key Laboratory of Advanced Waste Treatment Technology. His research focuses on membrane separation processes, water and wastewater treatment technologies, biological treatment processes and green technologies. He has published more than 100 SCIE journal papers, 25 books/book chapters and 02 patents. Additionally, he has played a role of project investigator of more than 50 international/national research projects in the field and organized three international conferences. Since 2017, he became members of the scientific committee in the field of earth sciences and environment of National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Ministry of Science and Technology, Viet Nam. In addition, he is editor board members of some journals such as Bioresource Technology, Environmental Technology and Innovation, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vietnam Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Dr. D. Duc Nguyen completed his Bachelor of Environmental Engineering in Department of Environmental Engineering at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam (Apr. 2005) and received a scholarship to come to Dankook University, South Korea to pursue a Master degree (Feb. 2011) and subsequently a PhD degree (Feb. 2014) of Energy and Environmental Engineering. Prior to joining academia, Nguyen had participated and developed in many industrial projects (research, consultant, design, construction, operation, and transfer technology) in the field of environmental engineering in both nationally and internationally. Nguyen has been invited for working at Department of Environmental Energy Engineering, Kyonggi University, South Korea as a Res. Prof. since early 2016, and from Dec. 2017 until present Dr Nguyen has been promoted to Asst. Prof. at the same University. So far, he is the author/co-author of over 140 peer reviewed articles and PI of three national research projects ($USD 700K). His current research interests are focused: i) integrated anaerobic digestion of waste biomasses for the generation of renewable energy, ii) hybrid biological process for wastewater treatment, nutrient removal and recovery, iii) preparation/synthesis of novel nanoparticles, composite materials and biochar for applications in the environmental remediation and chemical industry. He is also conducting research and development to commercial design products based research finding, for environmental companies and organizations. Assoc. Prof. Phuoc-Dan Nguyen (Dan) is now a Professor of Environmental Engineering and working as a scientist at the Asian Centre for Water Research (Centre Asiatique de Recherche sur L’Eau, CARE) of Ho Chi Minh City Uiversity of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM). He was a former Dean of Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources (of HCMUT), former Director of CARE and former Head of VNU-HCM Key Laboratory of Advanced Waste Treatment Technology. His interesting research and technology transfer are water and wastewater treatment processes, solid waste management and water resource management. Dan has more than 100 publications, 5 books and one patent. He successfully carried out more than 30 research projects that have funded from local Departments of Science and Technology, international organizations, and industries. He has been appointed as Guest Editors of Journal of Environmental Management, Bioresource Technology Reports and Water Sustainability and editor board members of local journals of VNU-HCM. Prof. Ngo is currently a Professor of Environmental Engineering and serving as Deputy Director of Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, Co-Director of Joint Research Centre for Protective Infrastructure Technology and Environmental Green Bioprocess, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. He has been duly elected as Fellow of International Water Association (FIWA) and Fellow and Lead Researcher of the International Bioprocessing Association (FIBA and LRIBA) while serving as IBA Council Member. Prof. Ngo is internationally well-known for his activities in the areas of advanced biological waste treatment technologies (e.g. membrane bioreactor, specific attached and/or suspended growth bioreactors, anaerobic digesters, wetland and bio-sorption) and membrane technologies. His expertise and practical experience also covers the areas of alternative resources, management and impacts assessment, and solid waste management. Currently, he is very active to work on the development of specific green bioprocessing technologies: resource recovery, water-waste- bioenergy nexus and greenhouse gas emission control. Prof. Ngo has been listed as Highly Cited Researcher 2019 in Cross Field Category, Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science; Elsevier - World Top 3 ranking researcher 2019 in Environmental Engineering; Lead Researcher in the field of Biotechnology in Australia. He ranks #2 in the world for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘membrane fouling; bioreactors; membrane bioreactors (SciVal, Feb 2020). He ranks #1 in Australia for number of scholarly outputs in the SciVal topic ‘biosorption; aqueous solution; bisorption capacity; ‘antibiotics; oxytetracycline; veterinary antibiotics’, (SciVal, Feb 2020). Prof. Ngo has published more than 500 SCI/ISI journal papers (citations >20,000), 7 books and 35 book chapters, a number of patents while receiving several highly recognized honours/awards. He has been invited to give numerous plenary/keynotes and invited talks, seminars and lecturers in the international conferences as well as the universities/research institutions. Prof. Ngo has appointed as Editor of Bioresource Technology, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, Associate Editor of Water Process Engineering and Associate Editor of Heliyon Journal, Elsevier. He is also an editorial board member/guest editor of numerous international journals such as Bioresource Technology Reports, Elsevier; Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, Elsevier; Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, IJSEES, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, EHIT, Journal of Bioengineered, Taylor & Francis. Professor Ashok Pandey is currently Distinguished Scientist at the Centre for Innovation and Translational Research, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India and Executive Director (Honorary) at the Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability – India. Formerly, he was Eminent Scientist at the Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali and Chief Scientist & Head of Biotechnology Division and Centre for Biofuels at CSIR’s National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Trivandrum. His major research and technological development interests are industrial & environmental biotechnology and energy biosciences, focusing on biomass to biofuels & chemicals, waste to wealth & energy, industrial enzymes, etc. Professor Pandey is Adjunct/Visiting Professor/Scientist in universities in France, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, South Africa, and Switzerland and also in several universities several in India. He has ~1425 publications/communications, which include 16 patents, 90 books, >700 papers and book chapters, etc with h index of 105 and ~48,800 citations (Goggle scholar). He has transferred several technologies to industries and has done industrial consultancy for about a dozen projects for Indian/international industries. Professor Pandey is the recipient of many national and international awards and honours, which include Highest Cited Researcher (Top 1% in the world), Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science (2020, 2019 & 2018); Top scientist in Biotechnology (#1 in India and #8 in the world), Stanford University world ranking (2020); Fellow, World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies(2020); Fellow, Indian Chemical Society (2020); Distinguished Scientist, VDGOOD Professional Association, India (2020); Distinguished Professor of Eminence with global impact in the area of Biotechnology, Precious Cornerstone University, Nigeria (2020); IconSWM Life-time Achievement Award 2019, International Society for Solid Waste Management, KIIT, Bhubaneshwar, India (2019); Yonsei Outstanding Scholar, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2019); Life-Time Achievement Award from the Biotech Research Society, India (2018); Life-Time Achievement Award from Venus International Research Awards (2018), Most Outstanding Researcher Award from Career360 (2018), Life-Time Achievement Award from the International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2017); Fellow, Royal Society of Biology, UK (2016); Felow, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (2016); Academician of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria (2015); Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India (2012); Fellow, Association of Microbiologists of India (2008); Honorary Doctorate degree from Univesite Blaise Pascal, France (2007); Fellow, International Organization of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2007); Thomson Scientific India Citation Laureate Award, USA (2006); Fellow, the Biotech Research Society, India (2005); UNESCO Professor (2000); Raman Research Fellowship Award, CSIR (1995); GBF, Germany and CNRS, France Fellowships (1992) and Young Scientist Award (1989), etc. Professor Pandey is Founder President of the Biotech Research Society, India (; Founder & International Coordinator of International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, France (, Chairman of the International Society for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (, Editor-in-chief of Bioresource Technology (, Honorary Executive Advisor of Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (, Journal of Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing (, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (, Subject Editor, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India ( and Associate Editor, Biologia – Section Cellular and Molecular Biology ( and editorial board member of several international and Indian journals.