Phill McGowan Editor

Christine Eastman is a Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research centres on professional practice, leadership, assessment innovation, and the re-conceptualisation of continuing professional development. She contributes to the leadership programme at Lancaster University, where she lectures on the integration of American literature into a business curriculum as well as contributing to various leadership initiatives through a literary lens. A qualified coach with unique experience in facilitating the journey from manager to leader for professions, she has worked with a wide range of both national and international businesses.

Phill McGowan’s career has spanned both industry and academia. For 25 years, he was an entrepreneur and founded, ran, and sold several successful businesses. He then provided business consultancy, programme and project management, and interim management services to several medium and large technology firms. He holds an MA in Sales Management and a PhD in Buyer-Seller Relationships. Recently, he has held academic teaching and management roles at Westminster University.

Beth Rogers is a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management. After a career in the IT sector and consultancy, she moved to Higher Education. She pioneered and championed sales education in the business curriculum, contributing to a number of programmes in Europe.