Applications of General Relativity
Philippe Jetzer - Hardback
Philippe Jetzer is Professor of Physics at the University of Zurich. He obtained his Diploma and his PhD in physics at ETH Zurich. After some postdoctoral stays among which at Fermilab Astrophysics Group and at CERN he joined the Physics Institute of the University of Zurich. He works mostly on topics in astrophysics and general relativity, in particular on gravitational waves. Since 2003 he worked for the LISA Pathfinder and LISA missions in various ESA committees. From 2017 his group joined the LIGO Scientific collaboration, moreover he is involved in the ACES mission of ESA, whose aim is to test the equivalence principle which is the foundation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. He regularly teaches general relativity and advanced topics on it, both at University of Zurich and ETH.