Philippe Bootz Editor

Philippe Bootz is Assistant Professor of Hypermedia and Multimedia at the University of Paris 8, France. Bootz holds PhDs in Physics and Sciences of Information and Communication and is the cofounder of L.A.I.R.E, a French collective in digital literature and Transitoire Observable, an international collective in programmed poetry.

Sandy Baldwin is Associate Professor of English and Director of the Center for Literary Computing at West Virginia University. He received his PhD from New York University and is a Fulbright Scholar. His work imagines the future of literary studies in a digital age. As coordinator of the Center for Literary Computing at West Virginia University, he facilitates interdisciplinary research projects in the poetics of new media and the media ecology of literary institutions, using web-technologies, multimedia, hypertext, audio/video, and virtual environments. He publishes on the poetics and philosophy of digital writing and his solo and collaborative creative work is widely published and performed.