Philippe Besnard Author & Editor

Philippe Besnard is Senior researcher at CNRS/IRIT (Toulouse, France). His research interests are about knowledge representation through logic. In addition to work on computational argumentation, he mainly focused on non-classical logics to formalize non-monotonic reasoning and paraconsistent reasoning.
Thomas Guyet is researcher at Inria (Lyon, France). He received a PhD thesis in Computer Science in 2007 from National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France). From 2007 to 2021, he was assistant professor at Institut Agro and was working in the IRISA laboratory in Rennes (France). In 2020, he joined Inria in Lyon as full researcher. His research domain is mainly spatial and temporal data analysis using various computer science paradigms ranging from artificial intelligence domain (logic programming, semantic web, machine learning) to algorithmic (sequential pattern mining, time series analysis). He applies his research mainly to lifescience challenges (medicine, environment and biology)