Philipp Eigenmann Editor

Philipp Eigenmann is the head of research at the Thurgau University of Teacher Education(Switzerland) and senior teaching and research assistant at the Institute of Education, University of Zurich. His research interests are vocational education and higher education, history of education and (vocational) education and migration.

Philipp Gonon is a professor of vocational education and training at the Institute of Education, Zurich University, where he teaches vocational pedagogy, history and theory of vocational and continuing education. His research also includes quality and education, education policy and digitalization.

Markus Weil is the Head of the Center for Organisational Continuing Education and Counselling at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. He also works as a lecturer in the field of University Teaching and Learning with a special interest to teaching in English, internationalisation, role taking and peer learning processes.