Understanding White-Collar Crime
Petter Gottschalk - Hardback
Petter Gottschalk is Professor of Information Systems and Knowledge Management at BI Norwegian Business School, Norway. He is the author of over 20 books on the topic of white-collar crime and knowledge management. He has served as CEO of Norwegian Computing Center, ABB Datakabel, Statens kantiner, and Norsk Informasjonsteknologi (NIT). He has lectured on criminal entrepreneurship, organised crime, and knowledge management at the Norwegian Police University College in Oslo, where his books on criminal organisations and police intelligence processes are used as text books. Dr. Gottschalk did his MBA in Germany (Technical University of Berlin), MSc in the United States (Dartmouth College and MIT), and DBA in the United Kingdom (Henley Management College, Brunel University). He has taught in Singapore; at Fudan University, China; and at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Egypt. His studies on crime and policing is published extensively in international resea