Petros Nicopolitidis Editor & Author

Mohammad S. Obaidat, recognized around the world for his pioneering and lasting contributions to several areas includingmodeling and simulation of computer networks and systems, wireless sensor networks, green ICT, wireless and wired networks,and information and network security, is a Professor of Computer Science at Monmouth University, NJ, USA. He isthe editor-in-chief or editor of many international journals, and has authored over 30 books and over 600 technical papers todate. He has received numerous awards, including a Nokia Research Fellowship, distinguished Fulbright Scholar Award,McLeod Founders Award, SCS Presidential Award, SCS Hall of Fame Prestigious Award, and best paper awards in many internationalconferences. He has chaired numerous international conferences and has given numerous invited keynote speeches all over the world. He served as SCS President, Advisor to the President Philadelphia University, and Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at MonmouthUniversity. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the SCS. Faouzi Zarai Ph.D. is currently an Assistant Professor in Sfax High Institute of Electronics and Communication in Tunisia. His research interests are network architectures, access protocols, admission control, radio resource management, and security Petros Nicopolitidis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,located in Thessaloniki, Greece.